5 Ways to Make your Profile Sing!
Get the most out of your profile on the Arts & Education Exchange
1. Share Photos, Video, and Audio: Offer educators an opportunity to see you in action. Make your profile and programs come alive!
2. Add Programs: Arts programs are the easiest way educators can search for you on the site. Programs help educators visualize how you could fit into their curriculum and lesson plans.
Extra tip: Include your name or organization on the program page; otherwise, educators who see your program will read “(Provider name not entered)”
3. Create an Identity: Choose your user name and point of contact wisely. Your user name should be your organization, or if you are a teaching artist, your full name. This way, when educators search for you or your organization, you will appear in the results. Your point of contact should be someone knowledgeable about your school programs. For larger organizations, we recommend the director of education or school programs coordinator as the point of contact. For help changing your user name or point of contact, contact .
4. Get Specific: An educator is more likely to reach out to you if your profile is comprehensive. Do you integrate Illinois State Learning Standards? Tell us how.
5. Explore the Forum: We invite you to engage with us: ask questions, post comments, and discuss topics in the Forum. Trusted leaders from the field will serve as experts to answer your burning questions.
An Arts Alliance Illinois initiative, in partnership with the Illinois Arts Council and the Illinois State Board of Education